Today's post is gonna be about "NEO GAL"!
Maybe some of you have heard about it (or not). The same as my title today, NEO GAL is the new gyaru and is really popular in Japan right now.
All of us must be familiar with these gyaru models and their typical gyaru style :
- big dolly eyes
- dramatic lashes
- bottom/lower lashes is a MUST
- pale lips
- dramatic nails
- big circle lens
- big puffy (mostly blonde) hair

But the new gyaru, which is NEO GAL is different!!!!!
Forget all those dramatic lashes, big puffy hair and the complicated nails! NEO GAL's style is simple and you can wear it daily without getting looks from other people. Most people said that NEO GAL is similar to ulzzang from Korea, but actually it's not. Here's an example of NEO GAL :

From the pictures above we can see the difference between the old gyaru and NEO GAL, which are..
- NEO GAL's makeup (especially eye makeup) is not as dramatic as the old gyaru. They sometimes still use false lashes but not as extreme as it was before.
- We can consentrate on our lip makeup and put on some bold colors. The old gyaru style has pink lips because they already got a heavy eye makeup.
- Their fashion style is simpler and comfy, rather than the old gyaru style's.
- They tend to accessorize more.
- Hair-do is also easier to follow, cuter, and simple.
However, like I've said before, most people mistook NEO GAL as ulzzang or even worse, said that NEO GAL = ULZZANG!
Lemme get this straight,
NEO GAL isn't ulzzang. If you see it carefully you can see the difference. For example, Ulzzang tend to focus their makeup on the eyeliner shapes when NEO GAL focuses on the lipcolor (sometimes shadow or coloured eyeliner). And for me personally, Ulzzang fashion is too monotonous. But NEO GAL is different, fun, and weird LOL.
Actually, I've been searching for this style FOREVER! Although I love gyaru, I find their fashion and makeup style really weird to follow in my country and I always get weird looks from people. But not with NEO GAL!
What's your opinion? Do you like NEO GAL? Or do you prefer the old gyaru style? Or maybe neither/both?
I'll talk to you soon, k? > <